Initial Questionnaire

(You can tick one or more answers)

1.-What do you do in the playground at the break time?

I play with my colleagues

I speak to my mates

I rest in the classroom

I practice some sports

I prefer the teacher’s company

I prefer to be alone

Other answers:


2.-Who do you play with?

I play alone

I always play with the same colleagues

I play with everybody

3.-When you play, who do you prefer playing with?

Boys and girls

Only boys

Only girls

4.-Is there any classmate you don’t like playing with?





5.-Do you always play at the same game or do you like learning new ones?


6.-Have you ever played violent games?



Do you like playing violent games?



7.-Who teach you how to play new games?

My colleagues at school

Other friends

My relatives

My teachers

8.-What was the latest game that you learnt? ………………………………………………………………………........


9.-Do you think children in other countries play the same games as you do? Why?


10.-Would you like to learn and practice playground games from other countries?Why?



1.- I am a boy/ girl.

2.-I am ____ years old.

3.-I am from ….........................(country)